And now you are 10!

Agapimeno mou Knubbie mou!

You were born on a sunny day in London on the 26.11.2010 at 21:26am!

That already should be a sign of how special you are! 馃グ

What a year 2020 has been! We are in the middle of the second - yet light- lockdown due to COVID-19.

We have to stay home to protect ourselves from this deadly virus.

Your generation, your childhood has suffered on so many levels yet you keep on shining and smiling. You and Oskar make our lives a better and brighter place.

Every day I look at you and feel so blessed and proud to be your mommy.

You are witty, funny, stubborn, creative and ever so lovable.

I love how we cook together, how we decorate the house, go on walks with Flash, play monopoly, watch you set up your 1000 of little soldiers, play ping pong, watch you play Lego for hours ( the list could go on forever). Finally, when the day is over, I love how we hug and discuss life before going to sleep.

Have I mentioned how much I love it when we sleep together?

My love knows no limits!

围蟻蠈谓喂伪 蟺慰位位维 蟺慰位蠉 伪纬伪蟺畏渭苇谓慰 渭慰蠀 螡蟿蔚尉慰蠀位喂! 螤慰位蠉蠂蟻慰谓慰蟼 渭蔚 蠀纬蔚委伪, 蔚蠀蟿蠀蠂委伪 魏伪喂 蟺慰位蠉, 蟺慰位蠉 伪纬维蟺畏!

螚 渭伪渭伪 蟽慰蠀 馃挋
