
Yesterday the 31.5 was my birthday. Felix was not here as he was on a boys sailing holiday in Croatia with Julian, Ingo and Sascha. He forgot about my birthday while booking the holiday and felt super bad about it. On my part I was sad he was not here rather than angry he had forgotten. The boys put up a wonderful display of decorations, drew up beautiful cards and omi baked her signature cake for me which she left outside the door for Oskar to find in the morning and lay out on the table.

Jocelyn made for me the most amazing butterfly out of tissue paper. She must have put hours and hours of love into creating such a beautiful thing!

My evening yoga class surprised me with flowers, cake and candles! 💙

Going to bed I felt so happy deep inside me. I felt happy because I am finally maturing and understand life better, I can accept the challenges and changes that occur every day. For example, I could choose to stay angry with felix for forgetting my birthday - trust me there were a lot of people who reacted very badly at that and were scolding me as to why I was so nice to him. But what is really the point of poisoning yourself at staying angry? I was sad, yes, partly because it's such a ritual in our family to celebrate ones birthday with a big morning surprise, but we will celebrate when he gets back and that's good enough for me.

It's not that I settle for less.

It's more that I am happy to be in this state of mind not letting the little things in life bother me.

I am grateful for all the people who made my birthday different and special this year. I am grateful to my yoga practice and all my students who teach me more than I teach them.

I am grateful for having my children sleep next to me while felix is away even if they kick me all night right, left and centre!

I am grateful for life, simply...
