Best home made play dough

After trying out lots of uncooked versions of playdough I stumbled across this one which requires a bit of cooking on the stovetop. The extra effort - which really isn't that much - pays off. The texture is so much better than uncooked varieties. It also stores very well in a zip lock plastic bag. Ours is still holding up for 2 weeks now.

What you need is:
2 cups flour
2 cups warm water
1 cup salt
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon cream of tartar ( this is optional for improved elasticity)
Food colouring, liquid or powder


Mix all of the ingredients together and stir over low heat. The dough will begin to thicken - this is the point where Oskar handed over the spoon to me - when the dough pulls away from the sides and clumps in the centre, remove the pot from the heat and allow the dough to cool.

You must keep stirring - if it's sticky it means it needs more stirring - keep cooking, keep mixing until it resembles play dough.

We made a second blue patch and added glitter which worked better than I thought!

A great rainy day activity! Or any day really!
