Opi came to visit us!

Opi, Felix's dad has made a miraculous recovery since he fell down the stairs in March, hitting his head so badly resulting in him being in a coma for 3 weeks. He is still very frail but Felix flew home to get him for the weekend as he can't travel alone and is now en route to the airport to return him to Germany.
It was a great weekend as he spent good quality time with the boys ( dexter would not stop jumping on him and kissing him) and Oskar showed him All his cars!

We had never spent such a long and intense time with him. He of course stayed at our house so Felix can keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't fall. Since March he has been in and out of hospital almost every two weeks as he is very weak and keeps falling down and hurting himself :( poor Opi. Oskar said he is like Mr Bump!

I am very proud of Felix for going to get him and take him back as no else I'm the family would take that responsibility. Love you my Foxie :)
