Happy birthday to my beautiful Dexie!

Oskar's bday is next Thursday but we decided to celebrate both boys's birthdays today!
Last year on Friday the 26th of November 2010 at 11:25am Dexter was born...

And here he is now!

I can't believe it's been already 1 year since little Dexie was born! What a bumpy year we had and how hard it must have been for you my little angel. Terrible reflux and cow's protein intolerance. Dexie you were in a lot of pain but you are also a fighter and a very strong little boy! We are very proud of you and wish you all the best on your special day. I love you knubbelaki mou omorfo so very much. You came to complete us as a family and now we couldn't be happier. Happy birthday knubbie!
